Beretta quality is certified in every aspect so that maximum quality is guaranteed in every production phase: from the factory up until the consumer's table.
American and Japanese Authorisation
Authorisation for exportation of food products to the USA and Japan.
IFS (International Food Standard)
A specific standard for food safety systems aimed at guaranteeing conformity of suppliers and demonstrating the expertise of large scale retailers.
Accredia LAB Accredited Bodies N° 0594
The ACCREDIA accreditation certifies the Laboratory’s technical competence in relation to the accredited tests, in accordance with the requirements of the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard and those of ACCREDIA. An official and up-to-date list of the Laboratory’s ACCREDIA accredited tests is available on request at any time, either from the Laboratory or at under Databases / Testing Laboratories - DL.